Working Bee
Event information
The time has come around to make some preparations for the summer and fire season at the club.
This week we slashed the foreshore area to provide a better level of access to the water's edge without the need for vehicles to drive in long grass.
The committee has scheduled a working bee for Sunday 29th November from 9:00am where it is anticipated that we can focus on cleaning up leaves and fallen branches around the sheds, possibly cleaning of gutters and certainly brush cutting the long grass around the stored boats and caravans in the open areas. Whilst there are two brush cutters at the yacht club it would be appreciated if members could bring their own equipment such as brush cutter, barrow rakes etc.
I hope you can spare a few hours to join in and help make the club environment reach its potential.
If you aren’t able to make it but are keen to lend a hand with some of the outstanding maintenance items please feel free to have a chat with me to find something that matches your skill set.
There are some small and larger jobs that could use some attention. I can be contacted on 0488 448 009.
It is anticipated that social distancing requirements will still be in place during the working bee and at this stage I am not offering a morning tea (hope that isn't a deal breaker for you!)
John Lockie
Assets and Environment portfolio